Friday, September 4, 2009


In today`s world where globalization adn becoming a global village is promoted, it is nice to see that there are people who preserve the spirit and coziness of a small community. As I was reading the blog inDECATUR, I saw that the authors of this blog are very conscious of their community within the giant metro Atlanta region. As I have observed, this blog is aimed both for people from and out of Decatur. Blog posts are very diverse, almost random, considering the distinct topics such as the history and legislature of Decatur and the Cookie Studio. He is very good in using media in his blog, enriched with a bunch of pictures for each post and an extensive list of links on the right column of the blog. The author also uses rss feed, twitter and facebook to promote and make his blog more interesting. It is obvious from his tone that the author is excited and proud with his community, he wants to enrich the community life by promoting non-Decatur residents to come to the town and encouraging Decatur residents to support local bussiness and events.

Can Amado

1 comment:

  1. Can: Not bad, but offer more specific examples. Can you think of any specific postings that are representative of the qualities you describe?
