Thursday, September 10, 2009

Atlantic Station, A city Within a City

Every weekends, students a Geogia Tech will be able to take the "Grocery Shuttle" to Target in Atlantic Station. The Target there has most of the things every college students need to survive. This includes pencils, notebooks, and power drinks. But besides from Target, Atlantic Station has a lot of other things to offer too. If you walk around, you will see many restaurants, and shopping places. There is also a movie theatre. I chose this neighborhood to observe because the place is easy to get to, and there are lots of stuffs to see other than the rows and rows of houses. Before I went there, I made a list which is used to define a good place to live. In the list I put in environment, interesting places, transportation, and commercial places. However, after I went there, I have to put in another criteria, living expenses. Living in a big city like Atlanta can be expensive. The lifestyle is definitly different from living in other places. Overall, I consider Atlantic Station to be a good place to live here in Atlanta. There are things you can do, as well as supermarkets to buy groceries.

for more information about Atlantic Station, visit this website

Phumthep Bunnak

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