Thursday, October 1, 2009

Daily Sprawl's Ideal Community

Today I looked at a blog called Daily Sprawl. The blog content's is about health, real estate industry, current economy crisis, and neighborhoods. In this blog, we can find links to articles from sources as New York Times, and links to videos in the "What Daily Sprawl Is Watching" section. By looking at this blog, we will be able to find implicit evidences on what the blog's position on an ideal community should be.
The author of this blog calls for a community and neighborhoods much like the book, Suburban Nation. From the blog's link to a video in the CNU short film contest, we can see a video that advocates against sprawl. In this video, a picture of a good neighborhood is depicted. This community is made up of mixed used zone. The people in the film are able to go to work, school, and grocery stores by foot in five minutes. No cars are needed for transportation. From another post titled "A Green Commute", there are pictures of several European rail lines. The trams look like they are gliding on grass. This implies that an ideal community not only be independent from cars, but it should be environment friendly as well.

This is the link to the blog:

Phumthep Bunnak

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